In making bucks online there are a lot of ways to earn. One of the fastest way is by blog post or blog review. On this way of earning requires grammar, language mastery, and creative writing. Some websites and advertisers are very strict on grammar issue. So you’d better have a good skill in writing.
On blog review or blog post, website like,,,,, and a like are accepting advertisers to advertise their products or website through blog reviews. With requirements like number of words, back links and rankings are shown to possible posting bloggers to inform them what the advertisers want.
Most of these advertisers’ posts are bidding. You’ll have to bid in order to win the review. Others inform you that you account matches for the advertiser’s post and it’s up to you if you want to take the opportunity.
Once you accept it or won the bid there are terms and conditions or requirements must be followed. Once these requirements are met, you may now start writing your blog review. You may use different approach on every post but just make sure to comply on all the requirements.
Submit your post for review and approval of the advertisers. Some may take a few days before they approve or decline your post and some only take days. If your post is approved, automatically you’re account will be credit of the amount you and advertiser agreed upon. Hosting website like and automatically takes off their percentage for their admin costs. But If you’re posts are declined don’t worry you can still edit your post and resubmit it for review once more.
These are some tips on how to earn online. Still you’re the one that will make this and it’s up to you to make it happen.
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Making Money The Rugged Way by Marco Polo Demo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Philippines License.